That will find the Square Root of a number using sqrt() function.

To find the square root of a number using the `sqrt()` function, you need to follow these steps:

1. Input the number for which you want to find the square root.
2. Call the `sqrt()` function with the input number as the argument.
3. Capture and store the result of the `sqrt()` function in a variable.
4. Print or display the result.

Here is an example code snippet in Python to find the square root of a number using the `sqrt()` function:

import math

# Step 1: Input the number
number = float(input("Enter a number: "))

# Step 2: Call the sqrt() function
square_root = math.sqrt(number)

# Step 3: Store the result

# Step 4: Print the result
print("The square root of", number, "is", square_root)

In this example, we import the `math` module to access the `sqrt()` function. After inputting the number, the `sqrt()` function is called with the number as an argument. The result is stored in the `square_root` variable, which is then printed as the output.

Note that the `sqrt()` function can be found in different programming languages, so the exact implementation may vary.