Who had the greatest percentage of​ change? ​______

Who had the greatest increase in goals​ scored? ​ (This is not the same as percentage of​ increase.)  ​______
The coach wanted to see a​ 25% increase as a​ team? Did they reach their​ goal? If​ not, how many more goals would they have​ needed?  ​______

To find the answers to these questions, we would need specific data or information on the goals scored by different individuals or teams. Once we have that data, we can calculate the necessary values to answer each question.

For the question "Who had the greatest percentage of change?" you would need to compare the goals scored over a specific period of time for each individual or team. To calculate the percentage of change, you would use the following formula:

Percentage of Change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100

By calculating the percentage of change for each individual or team, you can determine who had the greatest percentage increase.

For the question "Who had the greatest increase in goals scored?", you would need to compare the actual increase in goals scored for each individual or team. This is different from the percentage of increase, as it only considers the difference in actual values.

To answer the question "Did the team reach their goal of a 25% increase?", you would compare the actual increase in goals scored by the team to the desired 25% increase. If the actual increase is greater than or equal to 25% of the initial value, then the team would have reached their goal. Otherwise, they would have fallen short.

If they did not reach their goal, the number of additional goals they would have needed can be calculated by finding the difference between the actual increase and the desired 25% increase, and then converting that difference into the number of goals.

Please provide specific data or values related to the goals scored by individuals or teams in order to get a precise answer to these questions.