Which word or phrases can give you a context clues in a sentence to help you find another word meaning select the two correct words

When looking for context clues in a sentence to help determine the meaning of another word, there are several word or phrase types that can provide useful hints. Some of these clues include:

1. Synonyms or Antonyms: Words that have similar or opposite meanings to the unknown word can provide context. For example, if the sentence includes the word "cold," it may suggest that the unknown word refers to something related to low temperature.

2. Definitions or Explanations: Sometimes, a sentence may directly define or explain the unknown word, offering a clear context for its meaning. This can include phrases like "which means" or "also known as."

3. Examples: Sentences that provide examples or descriptions related to the unknown word can allow you to infer its meaning. Look for phrases like "such as" or "for instance" followed by specific examples.

4. Comparisons: If a sentence makes a comparison between the unknown word and another known word, it can give you a clue about its meaning. Terms like "similar to," "like," or "unlike" can help you identify the characteristic being compared.

5. Contrasts: Sentences that contrast the unknown word with another word can help you determine its meaning by understanding the differences between the two. Phrases like "rather than," "but," or "instead of" can indicate these contrasts.

To find the correct words based on these context clues, you will need to carefully analyze the sentence and identify which clue types are present. From there, you can make an educated guess about the meaning of the unknown word.