write a paragraph that compares and contrast relationships of Native Americans with at least two of the European groups

To compare and contrast the relationships between Native Americans and two European groups, namely the Spanish and the English, one must delve into historical records and accounts. Firstly, the Spanish, particularly during the colonization period, had a complex relationship with Native Americans. They often sought to conquer and convert indigenous populations, viewing them as subjects to their authority. As a result, Spanish colonization led to forced labor, disease outbreaks, and the destruction of indigenous cultures. In contrast, the English, who arrived later in North America, initially attempted to establish more symbiotic relationships with Native Americans. They engaged in trade and alliances, seeking cooperation rather than domination. However, as English settlements grew, conflicts over land and resources escalated, leading to tensions, wars, and the eventual displacement and marginalization of Native American communities by the English. These contrasting relationships reflect the different approaches European groups took towards Native Americans and the long-lasting impacts they had on indigenous people.