Which exponent makes the statement true rational numbers connexus

To determine which exponent makes the statement "rational numbers" true, we need to understand the concept of rational numbers and how they are represented.

Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction, where both the numerator and denominator are integers. They can be written in the form a/b, where 'a' and 'b' are integers, and 'b' is not zero.

Now, when it comes to exponents, we need to consider what we are applying the exponent to. Are we raising a rational number to an exponent or the numerator/denominator to an exponent? Let's explore both scenarios.

1. Raising a rational number to an exponent:
If we have a rational number (a/b) and we raise it to a certain exponent 'n', we obtain: (a/b)^n. In this case, both the numerator and the denominator will be raised to the exponent.

2. Raising the numerator/denominator to an exponent:
If we have a rational number a/b and we raise either the numerator or the denominator to an exponent, we obtain: (a^n)/(b^n). In this case, only the respective part of the fraction will be raised to the exponent.

To determine which exponent makes the statement "rational numbers" true, we need more context. Are we dealing with a specific expression or equation? If possible, please provide more information so that I can assist you further.