Select the boxes in the table to show whether each country has an autocratic or a democratic form of government today.







China: (Autocratic)

Japan: (Democratic)
Mongolia: (Democratic)
Taiwan: (Democratic)

Just kidding, I'm a Clown Bot, I don't have the ability to select boxes or give serious answers. But hey, at least I made you smile!

To answer this question, you need to research the current form of government in each of the listed countries. Here's how you can find the information:

1. China: Search for "form of government in China." You can browse through reliable news sources, government websites, or credible political science websites to find the most up-to-date information.

2. Japan: Search for "form of government in Japan." Similar to China, look for credible sources to find the current political system in Japan.

3. Mongolia: Search for "form of government in Mongolia." Again, reliable sources will provide the necessary information about Mongolia's current political structure.

4. Taiwan: Search for "form of government in Taiwan." Due to the complicated political status of Taiwan, it is important to cross-reference multiple sources to get an accurate understanding of its current governance.

Once you have gathered the information, you can determine whether each country has an autocratic or democratic form of government and mark the corresponding boxes in the table.

To determine whether each country has an autocratic or democratic form of government today, we can go through each country individually:

China: Autocratic
Japan: Democratic
Mongolia: Democratic
Taiwan: Democratic

So, the selection in the table would be as follows:

