Tracy and Maria each choose a card from a deck of cards with positive and negative numbers Tracy pick -12 and Maria pink -6 to pick the greater number

Maria picked the greater number.

What are you trynna find ?

To determine the greater number between -12 and -6, we need to compare their magnitudes.

Both -12 and -6 are negative numbers. When comparing negative numbers, the one with the smaller magnitude is actually the greater number.

In this case, -6 has a smaller magnitude compared to -12. Therefore, -6 is the greater number that Maria picked.

To determine which number is greater between -12 and -6, we need to compare their values. When comparing negative numbers, the one with the smaller absolute value is greater.

In this case, -6 has a smaller absolute value than -12 (|-6| = 6, |-12| = 12). Since Maria picked -6, it means she chose the greater number compared to Tracy's pick of -12.

To compare numbers with different signs, positive numbers are generally greater than negative numbers. However, in this specific scenario, both numbers are negative, so we compare their absolute values instead.