The perfect one acing company charges $10 per square foot to install interlocking paving stones as well as a $40 delivery fee

To calculate the total cost for installing interlocking paving stones, you would need to know the area in square feet that you want to cover.

Here's how you can calculate the total cost:
1. Determine the area you need to cover in square feet. For example, let's say you want to cover an area of 300 square feet.
2. Multiply the area by the cost per square foot. In this case, the cost per square foot is $10. So, the cost of the interlocking paving stones would be 300 square feet * $10 = $3000.
3. Add the delivery fee to the total cost. In this case, the delivery fee is $40. So, the final cost would be $3000 + $40 = $3040.

Therefore, the total cost for installing interlocking paving stones on an area of 300 square feet would be $3040. Remember that this calculation may vary depending on the specific company's pricing structure.