1. Why was the Declaration of Independence important? Select all that apply. (2 points)

To determine why the Declaration of Independence was important, we need to examine its historical context and its significance in shaping the United States of America.

1. Asserting Independence: The Declaration of Independence was a formal statement declaring the separation of the American colonies from British rule, establishing the United States as a sovereign nation. This act of defiance was a crucial step towards the American Revolution and the eventual establishment of a new nation.

2. Outlining Fundamental Rights: One of the primary reasons the Declaration of Independence was important is that it outlined a set of fundamental rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This document served as an early blueprint for the vision of a democratic society that later influenced the writing of the U.S. Constitution.

3. Influencing Other Movements: The Declaration of Independence had a significant impact on other revolutionary movements around the world. Its principles of individual rights and self-government resonated with people seeking independence and democratic reforms in other countries.

4. Establishing a New Form of Government: The Declaration of Independence laid the groundwork for the creation of a new government structure. It inspired the writing of the U.S. Constitution, which established a system of checks and balances, creating a federal republic that has endured for over two centuries.

Therefore, the correct answers for the importance of the Declaration of Independence would be options 1, 2, and 3.