expression is equivalent to 3\dfrac78 - 6\dfrac143



3, start fraction, 7, divided by, 8, end fraction, minus, 6, start fraction, 1, divided by, 4, end fraction?

This just makes my eyes bleed.

To simplify the given expression, we need to convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions and then perform the subtraction.

The first mixed number, 3\dfrac{7}{8}, can be written as an improper fraction as follows:

3\dfrac{7}{8} = \dfrac{3 \times 8 + 7}{8} = \dfrac{24 + 7}{8} = \dfrac{31}{8}

Similarly, the second mixed number, 6\dfrac{1}{4}, can be written as:

6\dfrac{1}{4} = \dfrac{6 \times 4 + 1}{4} = \dfrac{24 + 1}{4} = \dfrac{25}{4}

Now, the expression becomes:

\dfrac{31}{8} - \dfrac{25}{4}

To subtract these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 8 (which is also a multiple of 4).

Now, we make the denominators equal by multiplying the numerator and denominator of the second fraction (25/4) by 2:

\dfrac{31}{8} - \dfrac{25 \times 2}{4}

Simplifying further:

\dfrac{31}{8} - \dfrac{50}{8}

Now, subtract the numerators while keeping the denominator the same:

\dfrac{31 - 50}{8} = \dfrac{-19}{8}

Therefore, the equivalent expression is -\dfrac{19}{8}.

To simplify the expression 3\dfrac{7}{8} - 6\dfrac{1}{4}, we need to convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions.

Starting with 3\dfrac{7}{8}, we can rewrite it as:

3 + \dfrac{7}{8} = \dfrac{3 \times 8 + 7}{8} = \dfrac{24 + 7}{8} = \dfrac{31}{8}

Now, let's convert 6\dfrac{1}{4} into an improper fraction:

6 + \dfrac{1}{4} = \dfrac{6 \times 4 + 1}{4} = \dfrac{24 + 1}{4} = \dfrac{25}{4}

Therefore, the expression 3\dfrac{7}{8} - 6\dfrac{1}{4} can be simplified as:

\dfrac{31}{8} - \dfrac{25}{4}

To subtract these fractions, we need a common denominator. Since 8 is already a denominator, we'll convert \dfrac{25}{4} into a fraction with a denominator of 8:

\dfrac{25}{4} = \dfrac{25 \times 2}{4 \times 2} = \dfrac{50}{8}

Now, we can rewrite the expression again:

\dfrac{31}{8} - \dfrac{50}{8}

To subtract the fractions, we keep the same denominator and subtract the numerators:

\dfrac{31 - 50}{8} = \dfrac{-19}{8}

Therefore, the equivalent expression is:
