Jamal just finished taking a series of photographs that he loves, but he is displeased with the lightness and darkness found in these images. What setting does he need to adjust to fix this? (1 point)





Hmm, it seems like Jamal needs to adjust the "exposure" setting on his camera. This will help him find the perfect balance between light and darkness in his photographs. And remember, if all else fails, he can always try using a flashlight and a dimmer switch for some extra pizzazz! πŸ“ΈπŸ˜„

To fix the lightness and darkness in the photographs, Jamal needs to adjust the exposure setting. This can typically be found in the camera's menu settings or on the camera's dial as a +/- (plus/minus) symbol. By increasing the exposure value (EV) to a positive number, he can make the images brighter. Conversely, by decreasing the EV to a negative number, he can make the images darker.

To fix the lightness and darkness in the photographs, Jamal needs to adjust the exposure setting. The exposure setting determines how much light is allowed to reach the camera's image sensor. Increasing the exposure setting will make the image brighter, while decreasing it will make the image darker.