Which characteristics describe ancient Sumerian civilization? Select all that apply.

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To determine the characteristics of ancient Sumerian civilization, you can refer to reputable sources such as history books, articles, or scholarly websites. Here are some of the key characteristics associated with the ancient Sumerian civilization:

1. Cuneiform Writing: The ancient Sumerians developed one of the earliest writing systems called cuneiform. It involved writing using wedge-shaped impressions on clay tablets.

2. City-States: Sumerian civilization consisted of several city-states, each with a central city and its surrounding agricultural land. These city-states were independent and self-governed.

3. Ziggurats: The Sumerians built large temple towers called ziggurats to honor their gods and goddesses. These structures were believed to be a link between heaven and earth.

4. Irrigation and Agriculture: Sumerians were skilled farmers and developed advanced irrigation systems to make use of the fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They grew crops such as barley, wheat, dates, and vegetables.

5. Polytheistic Religion: The Sumerians practiced polytheistic beliefs, with a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled various aspects of life.

6. Epic Literature: Sumerians are known for their creation of the world's oldest surviving epic poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh. This literary work explores themes of heroism and the human condition.

7. Advanced Mathematics: Sumerians developed a sophisticated numerical system based on the base-60, which we still use today for measuring angles and time.

It is always recommended to explore various reliable sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.