Match each point with one of the following fractions 3/4 1/4 7/16 5/8

To match each point with the given fractions, you'll need to know the coordinates of the points and compare them to the fractions. If the x-coordinate corresponds with the denominator of a fraction and the y-coordinate corresponds with the numerator, then you can match the point with the fraction.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Identify the coordinates of each point. Let's assume the points are labeled A, B, C, and D with coordinates (x, y).

2. Compare the x-coordinate of each point to the denominator of each fraction. If the x-coordinate matches the denominator of a fraction, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, move to the next point.

3. Compare the y-coordinate of each point to the numerator of the fraction whose denominator matches the x-coordinate of the point. If the y-coordinate matches the numerator of the fraction, you have found the matching fraction for the point. Otherwise, move to the next point.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each point until you have matched all the points with the given fractions.

Remember, without the actual coordinates of the points, we cannot match them with the provided fractions directly.