Which statement best describes the framework of government established by the constitution

Understanding the constitution :

1 : a system of checks and balances keeps each of the three branches from having too much power
2 : the people have the right to alter their government
3 : by presidential appointment and senate approval
4 : run the public education system
( I got 4/4👍🏼)
hope this helpss!! pls like or dislike if it worked or didnt.:D

tysm gwen ur the best 😘

alr this is cringe


lol isnt it funny when you are trying to find the answer to your question and you come across this like wth are you guys doing anytime I see people putting this I always laugh especially when people are like arguing over dumb stuff anwayssss thx gwen

The framework of government established by the constitution can be best described as a federal system with a separation of powers. To understand this, let's break it down:

1. Federal System: The constitution establishes a federal system of government, meaning power is divided between a central government (federal government) and separate regional governments (states). This allows for a balance of power between the national and state levels.

2. Separation of Powers: The constitution also establishes a separation of powers among three branches of government - the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. This ensures that not a single branch of government has too much power or control. The legislative branch is responsible for making laws (Congress), the executive branch is responsible for enforcing laws (President), and the judicial branch is responsible for interpreting laws (Supreme Court and federal courts).

3. Checks and Balances: The constitution further incorporates a system of checks and balances among the three branches to prevent any one branch from becoming too dominant. Each branch has certain powers to check or balance the actions of the other branches. For example, the President can veto laws passed by Congress, but Congress can override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote.

To summarize, the framework of government established by the constitution is a federal system with a separation of powers, ensuring a distribution of power among the national and state governments, as well as a system of checks and balances among the three branches of government.