Which new cash crop allowed James town settlement to make money by shipping it back to England

The new cash crop that allowed the Jamestown settlement to make money by shipping it back to England was tobacco.

To find this answer, you can start by researching the history of the Jamestown settlement. The Jamestown settlement was the first permanent English settlement in North America, established in 1607 in what is now Virginia.

While the initial years in Jamestown were difficult and marked by food shortages and disease, the settlers eventually found success when they began cultivating tobacco.

To learn more about how tobacco became a profitable crop for Jamestown, you can investigate the economic conditions and market demand in England at the time. Tobacco was a highly sought-after commodity in Europe during the 17th century, and England was a major consumer. The settlers in Jamestown realized they could grow tobacco successfully in the Chesapeake region due to the fertile soil and favorable climate.

Additionally, you can explore the establishment of tobacco plantations in Jamestown and the introduction of African slave labor to work on these plantations. These factors contributed to the profitability of the tobacco industry in Jamestown and its significance in the colony's economic success.

In conclusion, the cash crop that allowed the Jamestown settlement to make money by shipping it back to England was tobacco.