When listing the location of a place the degree of latitude is always listed blank

When listing the location of a place, the degree of latitude is always listed first.

To find the degree of latitude for a specific location, you need to know its latitude coordinates. Latitude measures the distance north or south of the equator. The equator is defined as 0 degrees latitude, and the latitude lines extend up to 90 degrees north (N) or south (S) of the equator.

To determine the latitude of a place, you can use various methods. Here are a few ways to find latitude:

1. Use online maps or geographical tools: You can use online mapping services, such as Google Maps or Bing Maps, to search for the location and retrieve its latitude. Simply search for the place you are interested in, and the latitude will usually be displayed in the search results or by hovering over the location on the map.

2. Use a GPS device: If you have a GPS device, you can use it to find the latitude of a specific location. Most modern GPS devices provide accurate latitude information for any place you navigate to.

3. Use a mobile app: There are many mobile apps available for both iOS and Android platforms that can provide you with the latitude of a location. These apps usually have search functionality or the ability to drop a pin on the map to retrieve latitude and longitude coordinates.

Once you have determined the latitude of a place, it should be mentioned first when listing the location. For example, if a place has a latitude of 40 degrees north, the latitude would be listed as "40° N" or simply "40 degrees north".