Evaluate the impact of Risky behavior on your personal expectations in relation to the career you want to follow ?

To evaluate the impact of risky behavior on your personal expectations in relation to the career you want to follow, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the risky behaviors: Begin by understanding what risky behaviors are in the context of your career. These could include actions such as not meeting deadlines, procrastinating important tasks, engaging in illegal activities, displaying unprofessional behavior, or not taking your career seriously.

2. Determine the potential consequences: Assess the potential negative consequences of engaging in risky behaviors. Consider how these behaviors might impact your personal and professional reputation, relationships with colleagues and superiors, job performance, and overall career trajectory. It is important to be realistic and think long-term.

3. Evaluate your personal expectations: Reflect on your career goals and aspirations. Think about what you want to achieve in your chosen field and the level of success you aim for. Consider the skills, experiences, and attitude required to accomplish those goals. This will help you establish your personal expectations for your career.

4. Assess the alignment: Compare your personal expectations with the potential impact of risky behaviors. Determine whether engaging in such behaviors is likely to hinder or align with your career aspirations. Consider whether the potential short-term benefits of risky behavior are worth compromising your long-term goals.

5. Seek advice and guidance: Consult with mentors, professionals in your field, or trusted advisors who can offer objective insight. They may share their own experiences or provide guidance on the potential risks and consequences of certain behaviors. This can help you further evaluate the impact of risky behavior on your personal expectations.

6. Make informed decisions: Based on your evaluation, make informed decisions about the kind of behavior you want to exhibit in your career. Consider the trade-offs and understand that risky behaviors may have immediate gratification but can come at a cost to your long-term goals and professional reputation.

Remember, evaluating the impact of risky behavior on your personal expectations is a critical step towards making informed choices that align with your career aspirations and values.