Assess values of of positive role model on one's behaviour

To assess the values of a positive role model on one's behavior, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the positive role model: Think about someone you consider to be a positive role model. It could be a family member, a friend, a teacher, a celebrity, or someone else you admire.

2. Determine the values they exhibit: Consider the values and qualities that your chosen role model embodies. These can include honesty, kindness, perseverance, empathy, integrity, patience, or any other positive attributes you find important.

3. Reflect on your behavior: Assess your own behavior and compare it to the values and qualities you have identified in your role model. Ask yourself questions like: Do I demonstrate these qualities in my own actions? In what areas can I improve? How might I be positively influenced by my role model's behavior?

4. Observe and learn: Pay attention to your role model's actions and behaviors. Observe how they navigate difficult situations, how they treat others, and how they handle challenges. Try to learn from their positive behaviors and incorporate them into your own life.

5. Seek guidance and mentorship: If possible, have conversations with your role model or seek guidance from them. Ask them for advice on how to develop certain values or overcome specific challenges in your life. Having a mentor can greatly impact your behavior and help you grow as an individual.

6. Practice and self-reflection: Incorporate the values and behaviors you admire into your daily life. Practice applying these principles in your actions and interactions with others. Regularly reflect on your progress and identify areas where you can continue to improve.

By following these steps, you can assess the impact of a positive role model on your behavior and make positive changes in your own life. Remember, role models can inspire and guide us, but it is ultimately our responsibility to integrate their values into our behavior.