What's what's the correct punctuation of this sentence the personal director Mrs Smith hired three new typists two case managers

The correct punctuation of the sentence you provided is as follows:

"The personal director, Mrs. Smith, hired three new typists and two case managers."

To arrive at the correct punctuation, here's a breakdown of the sentence:

1. Start by identifying the main components of the sentence:
- The subject: "The personal director"
- The verb: "hired"
- The objects: "three new typists" and "two case managers"

2. Now, let's address the issue with the original sentence where the punctuation is incorrect:
- The name "Mrs Smith" should be set off with commas as an appositive phrase. It provides additional information about the personal director. Therefore, it should be written as "The personal director, Mrs. Smith,".

3. In addition, it's always good to use a comma before coordinating conjunctions like "and" when joining two independent clauses. In this case, we are joining "hired three new typists" and "two case managers". So, we add a comma before "and" to indicate the pause: "hired three new typists, and two case managers."

Putting it all together, we get:
"The personal director, Mrs. Smith, hired three new typists and two case managers."