What percentage of the ROD is being removed by this treatment plant? If this is a secondar), treatment plant that is supposed to remove 85 percent of the BOD, would you say it is operating properly?

To determine the percentage of ROD being removed by the treatment plant, we first need to understand what ROD refers to in this context. ROD stands for "Removal of Dissolved Oxygen," which is a measure of the amount of oxygen that is being depleted from water.

Assuming the ROD and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) are related in this case, we can use the information provided to determine the percentage of ROD being removed. If the treatment plant is designed to remove 85 percent of the BOD, we can assume that the ROD removal would be similar since they are related parameters.

To find the percentage of ROD being removed, we subtract the post-treatment ROD from the pre-treatment ROD and divide it by the pre-treatment ROD, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage of ROD Removed = ((Pre-Treatment ROD - Post-Treatment ROD) / Pre-Treatment ROD) * 100.

However, the specific numerical values of the pre-treatment ROD and post-treatment ROD are not provided in the question. Therefore, we cannot determine the exact percentage of ROD being removed by the treatment plant.

Regarding whether the treatment plant is operating properly, it would depend on the specific standards and regulations set for ROD removal. In general, higher ROD removal percentages are desirable to maintain a healthy aquatic environment. If the treatment plant is designed to remove 85 percent of the BOD, it may indicate it is operating at an acceptable level, but further assessment would require specific guidelines and regulations for ROD removal.