What was the goal of the Hijra?

Ik I’m late by a year but the answer to the quick check is D A C

Random is right I got a 100

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The Hijra refers to the migration of Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to the city of Medina in 622 A.D. It was a pivotal event in Islamic history with several goals.

To understand the goals of the Hijra, one needs to refer to the context of that time. The early Muslim community in Mecca faced persecution and opposition from the Quraysh tribe, which was the dominant tribe in the city. The followers of Prophet Muhammad were subjected to physical harm, social boycotts, and economic sanctions due to their acceptance of Islam.

The primary goal of the Hijra was to provide a safer and more conducive environment for the Muslims to practice their religion freely. By migrating to Medina, Prophet Muhammad sought to establish a new community or society where Muslims could live in peace and practice their faith without fear of persecution.

Additionally, the Hijra aimed to build a foundation for the future growth and expansion of Islam. Medina offered a strategic location, allowing the Muslims to establish a strong social and political base. The migration also enabled Prophet Muhammad to establish alliances and treaties with various tribes and communities, consolidating the unity of the Muslim community.

Furthermore, the Hijra facilitated the spread of Islam beyond Mecca. Prophet Muhammad's teachings gained wider acceptance in Medina, attracting new followers and expanding the influence of Islam. This migration marked a turning point in the history of Islam, as it shifted the center of Islamic activities from Mecca to Medina.

To understand the specific goals and implications of the Hijra, one can refer to Islamic historical texts, such as the biography of Prophet Muhammad or scholarly works on early Islamic history. These sources provide in-depth insights into the context, events, and consequences of the Hijra.