In which sentence is a comma used correctly?

1. Oscar wants to go to the pool so that is where he will go

2. to create a pause
3. to use your own words
4. when using a direct quote

bro its 100% your a legend thx

One sentence that uses a comma correctly is: "I went to the store, and then I went to the park."

To determine which sentence contains a correctly used comma, we need to understand the basic rules of comma usage. Commas are used in several instances, such as separating items in a list, setting off introductory phrases or clauses, separating coordinate adjectives, and marking off nonessential information, among others.

Let's look at four example sentences:

1. Sarah, likes to play soccer in her free time.
2. However, I enjoy watching movies more than reading books.
3. The tall, strong, athlete scored the winning goal.
4. My favorite color is blue, and I love the beach.

Based on the rules, we can eliminate sentences 1 and 3 as they do not use commas correctly. Sentence 1 needs a comma after "Sarah" to separate the introductory phrase, while sentence 3 uses commas to separate adjectives but lacks a coordinating conjunction.

Now let's analyze the remaining two sentences:

2. However, I enjoy watching movies more than reading books.
4. My favorite color is blue, and I love the beach.

Both sentences use commas correctly in terms of setting off introductory phrases or clauses (sentence 2) and separating coordinate clauses (sentence 4). Therefore, either sentence 2 or sentence 4 contains a correctly used comma.

To make a final determination, we need to consider the context and meaning. If the intention is to introduce a contrast or shift in thought, then sentence 2 is correct. However, if the intention is to connect two independent clauses, expressing a relationship or continuation of thought, then sentence 4 is correct.

In conclusion, either sentence 2 or sentence 4 contains a correctly used comma, depending on the intended meaning and context.