Which of the following is an example of a power held by the federal government?

a: tariff laws

b: marriage and divorce laws

c: education laws

d: traffic laws

To determine which of the options is an example of a power held by the federal government, we need to understand the division of powers between the federal government and state governments in the United States. The federal government is responsible for handling matters that affect the entire nation, while state governments are responsible for issues within their respective states.

a: Tariff laws - Tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods, and the power to regulate foreign trade, including the imposition of tariffs, is held by the federal government. Therefore, option a is an example of a power held by the federal government.

b: Marriage and divorce laws - The regulation of marriage and divorce is generally left to state governments. This means that option b is not an example of a power held by the federal government.

c: Education laws - The United States Constitution does not specifically grant the federal government the power to directly regulate education. The responsibility for education is primarily held by state and local governments. Therefore, option c is not an example of a power held by the federal government.

d: Traffic laws - Traffic laws primarily fall under the jurisdiction of state and local governments. Although the federal government can create general guidelines and regulations related to areas like road safety, specific traffic laws are typically determined by state governments. Therefore, option d is not an example of a power held by the federal government.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer is a: tariff laws.