A map has a scale of 1:25000.the distance between two towns is 60cm on the map.what is the real distance between the towns?

A lake has an area of 10cm² on the map.what is its real area in m²?

To find the real distance between the towns, you need to use the scale of the map. The ratio 1:25000 means that 1 unit on the map represents 25000 units in real life. In this case, the units are centimeters (cm).

Since you know the distance on the map (60 cm), you can set up a proportion to find the real distance (d):

1 cm on the map : 25000 cm in real life = 60 cm on the map : d (real distance)

Using cross-multiplication, you can solve for d:

1 cm * d = 60 cm * 25000 cm

d = (60 cm * 25000 cm) / 1 cm

d = 1,500,000 cm

Therefore, the real distance between the towns is 1,500,000 centimeters or 15 kilometers.

To find the real area of the lake, you can apply the same concept with the scale.

The area on the map is given as 10 cm². Again, using the scale of 1:25000, you can set up a proportion to find the real area (A):

1 cm² on the map : 25000 cm² in real life = 10 cm² on the map : A (real area)

Using cross-multiplication, you can solve for A:

1 cm² * A = 10 cm² * 25000 cm²

A = (10 cm² * 25000 cm²) / 1 cm²

A = 250,000 cm²

Converting cm² to m², you divide by 10,000 since there are 10,000 cm² in 1 m²:

A = 250,000 cm² / 10,000 cm²/m²

A = 25 m²

Therefore, the real area of the lake is 25 square meters.