how is a summary different from a book review

A summary and a book review are two different forms of writing that serve different purposes.

A summary provides a condensed version of the main points, events, and ideas of a book or any other literary work. Its purpose is to give readers a brief overview of the content without providing any subjective evaluation or opinion. When writing a summary of a book, you focus on capturing the key elements of the plot, the main characters, and the central ideas or themes.

On the other hand, a book review is an analysis and evaluation of a book's content, writing style, and overall quality. It goes beyond summarizing the book and seeks to provide a personal interpretation and opinion about the work. In a book review, you express your thoughts on aspects such as the author's writing style, character development, plot structure, and the overall impact the book had on you as a reader.

To differentiate between a summary and a book review, keep in mind that a summary focuses on the what of a book, while a review delves into the why and how of the book, offering subjective analysis and critique.