In one to two sentences explain a similarity and a difference between the particles in liquid water at 100°c and the particles steam at 100°c PLS HURRY

i need help too

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At 100°C, both liquid water and steam particles are in a gaseous state, but the similarity lies in the fact that they both consist of water molecules bonded together, while the difference is that steam particles have higher kinetic energy and move more freely compared to the closely packed water particles in liquid form.

At 100°C, both liquid water and steam particles are moving rapidly and have high energy. The difference is that liquid water particles are closely packed and have intermolecular forces holding them together, while steam particles are far apart and have weak intermolecular forces. To find this answer, one can understand that at 100°C, water undergoes a phase change from liquid to gas, and the difference between the two forms lies in the arrangement and behavior of water particles.