unit 3 sample work

1. The sun is composed of PLASMA , a superheated gas in which the particles are ionized.
2. The NUCLEUS is the center of an atom.
3. When atoms combine and release a large amount of energy, a reaction called NUCLEAR FUSION occurs.
4. Solar energy radiates in all directions from the sun’s surface as ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION.
5. Earth’s magnetic fields can cause AURORAS near the North and South Poles.
6. Plasma from the sun that spreads outward through the solar system, or SOLAR WIND, can travel up to two million miles per hour.
7. Coronal mass ejections can lead to geomagnetic storms that cause natural ELECTRIC CURRENTS beneath Earth’s surface.
8. Radio waves in the 1-30 MHz range are considered
9. The IONOSPHERE is the layer of Earth’s atmosphere that has a high concentration of ions and free electrons and is able to reflect radio waves.
10. Over 2,000 SATELLITES are orbiting Earth.
11. A GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM utilizes satellites to provide users with location, navigation, and timing information.
12. The total amount and intensity of the energy emitted by the sun that reaches Earth’s atmosphere is called TOTAL SOLAR IRRADIANCE.
13. During SOLAR MAXIMUM, there can be hundreds of sunspots, as well as many solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
14. The period of the solar cycle when the sun’s emissions are at their lowest ebb is known as SOLAR MINIMUM.

the practice in the lesson

1. 1.1 °f 25%
2. releases energy that warms Earth
3.extra currents in the ground will disrupt power grid operations
high-frequency radio waves used for radio communications will intensify
4. geomagnetic storms auroras
5. Magnetic
solar flares
eruptions of huge amounts of plasma
6. Core