Thomas Hart Benton’s America Today

Describe Benton’s style.
Examine the panels Benton created and discuss the elements of art that most stand out to you.
Explain how the message Benton tries to convey in the panel “Instruments of Power” relates to “Outreaching Hands”.
Which painting or element did you find most interesting in the article about Thomas Hart Benton? Why?

To describe Thomas Hart Benton's style, we can begin by looking at his work in the mural "America Today." Benton's style can be characterized as regionalism, a movement in American art that emphasized realistic portrayals of rural and urban scenes. He was known for depicting scenes from everyday American life, often with a sense of social commentary.

In examining the panels Benton created for "America Today," there are several elements of art that stand out. One element that stands out is Benton's use of bold, vibrant colors. He often used rich tones and contrasting colors to create a sense of energy and drama in his compositions. Another element is the dynamic and exaggerated forms that he employed. Benton's figures and landscapes are often depicted with exaggerated proportions and a sense of movement, which adds to the overall vitality of his work.

In the panel "Instruments of Power," Benton conveys a message about the influence of industry and technology on American society. The painting depicts various machines and tools of industry, suggesting the power and progress brought about by technological advancements. This message relates to "Outreaching Hands" in that both panels explore themes of American progress and the ways in which people interact with their environment. "Outreaching Hands" depicts workers reaching out to harvest crops, symbolizing the agricultural strength of the nation.

In terms of the article about Thomas Hart Benton, the most interesting painting or element is subjective and may vary depending on personal preference. However, one painting that stands out is the panel titled "Steel." It showcases the steel industry and the physical labor involved in steel production. The painting's composition and use of color successfully convey the heat, power, and energy of the steel mill. Benton's attention to detail in capturing the workers' movements and the machinery in action creates a dynamic and immersive scene. This painting highlights Benton's ability to depict the working class and their contribution to the industrial growth of America.