Which term refers to the general subject of a text?(1 point)

central idea

supporting detail*



can you ckeck my awnser

my awnser is topic

The term that refers to the general subject of a text is "topic".

The term that refers to the general subject of a text is the "topic." To find the topic of a text, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the title: The title often provides a clue about the general subject matter of the text.

2. Skim the text: Quickly glance through the text to get a sense of what it's about. Look for repeated words or phrases that stand out.

3. Identify key ideas: Notice the main ideas or concepts that are presented throughout the text. These ideas should give you an understanding of the overall topic.

4. Look for supporting details: Supporting details provide evidence or explanations for the main ideas. While they are not the central focus of the text, they can help you determine the topic by providing more context.

5. Summarize the text: After going through the text and analyzing the main ideas and supporting details, you can create a brief summary sentence that captures the general subject matter.

By following these steps, you will be able to identify the topic of a text and answer questions related to it. In this case, the correct term for the general subject of a text is "topic."