Read the paragraph.

When I was a kid, my family rented a small house in Florida. It was a short walk down a weed-choked path to the small lake where my sister and I liked to go fishing. One day, just as the sun rose above the trees, we walked down the path and realized our way was blocked by a fallen tree. As we approached, the tree moved. This was no tree, this was a __________ alligator. We had seen small alligators now and then, but nothing like this.

Which word most precisely describes the alligator?


To determine the most precise word that describes the alligator in the paragraph, we need to analyze the given options: big, grand, huge, and bulky.

First, we can eliminate the word "grand" because it suggests a level of magnificence or splendor and is not specific to the size of the alligator.

Next, we can consider the remaining options. While "big" is a general term, it could be considered slightly less precise than "huge" or "bulky" because it can apply to a range of sizes. However, both "huge" and "bulky" emphasize the large size of the alligator.

Between "huge" and "bulky," "huge" would be the more precise choice because it directly emphasizes the great size of the alligator, whereas "bulky" suggests a large size combined with a heavy or unwieldy appearance, which may not be the case here.

Therefore, "huge" is the most precise word to describe the alligator in the given paragraph.