Which kind of information text is a book written by a historian about The Life and Times of George Washington

The kind of information text that a book written by a historian about The Life and Times of George Washington would fall into is called a biography.

To confirm this, you can follow these steps to identify the type of text:

1. Read the title and subtitle of the book: Look for keywords or phrases that could indicate the type of text. In this case, "The Life and Times of George Washington" implies that it could be a biography.

2. Read the author's name and background: If the author is identified as a historian, it increases the likelihood that the text is indeed a biography.

3. Read the book's description or blurb: Usually, there is a summary provided on the back cover or within the book's description online. Look for mentions of the content being a detailed account of someone's life, which is usually indicative of a biography.

4. Check the book's categorization and genre: Booksellers, libraries, or online platforms categorize books into genres and sections. Look for sections like "Biography," "History," or "Non-fiction" to verify the book's classification.

By following these steps, you can determine that a book written by a historian about The Life and Times of George Washington is a biography.