Which option describes an inference?

A conclusion based on evidence

2. Tourists sit on the hot, dusty earth for hours in search of opals, hoping that what they find might let them retire early.
3. evidence from the text
4. Domestic German shepherds and wolves share the same ancestors.
5.City funds should not be used to build a new stadium.


you need to include the options if you want help

thanks @Big Brains

An inference is a conclusion or deduction that is based on evidence or reasoning. It involves drawing a logical and reasonable conclusion from the available information or premises. Inferences are often made by considering facts, observations, patterns, or relationships and using logical thinking to reach a probable or likely conclusion.

To identify an inference, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and understand the information provided: In order to make an inference, you need to have a clear understanding of the context and the information given to you.

2. Look for clues: Pay attention to any facts, evidence, or statements presented that may suggest something beyond what is explicitly stated. These can include words like "implies," "suggests," "indicates," or "consequently."

3. Connect the dots: Analyze the available information and draw logical connections between the facts, observations, or evidence. Look for patterns, cause-effect relationships, or any underlying connections that can help you make an educated guess or inference.

4. Evaluate multiple possibilities: Consider different potential conclusions that could be drawn from the given information. Assess the reasoning behind each option and select the one that is most supported by the evidence.

5. Verify and validate: Check if your inference is reasonable, logical, and consistent with the available information. Ask yourself if there are any other interpretations or possibilities that could explain the evidence.

Remember that inferences are not always definite or guaranteed to be correct, but they are educated guesses based on the information provided.

Big Brains correct