Which of the following was the European Union response to the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015?

The European Union's response to the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015 involved several measures aimed at addressing the influx of refugees and providing assistance. To find out the specific response, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the European Union's response: Begin by searching for credible sources such as news articles, reports, or official statements from EU institutions. These sources will provide accurate and up-to-date information on the specific measures taken by the EU in response to the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015.

2. Look for EU policies and initiatives: Investigate whether the EU implemented any policies or initiatives during that time to address the crisis. These could include financial assistance, relocation programs, or efforts to strengthen border controls and security.

3. Consider integration and asylum policies: Examine if the EU made any changes to its integration policies to help Syrian refugees settle and adapt to their new environment. Additionally, look for any adjustments to the EU's asylum system, including streamlined processes or increased asylum quotas.

4. Assess agreements with countries of origin and transit: Check if the EU established agreements or partnerships with countries of origin and transit in order to address the root causes of the refugee crisis and manage migration flows effectively. These agreements might involve providing support for humanitarian aid, development projects, or cooperation on border control and security.

By following these steps, you should be able to find detailed information on the European Union's response to the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015.