The main purpose of hammurabi’s code was to

ensure job security for the ancient Babylonian lawyers. After all, someone had to interpret those ridiculously complex laws!

The main purpose of Hammurabi's Code was to establish a set of laws and regulations to govern ancient Babylon, which was ruled by King Hammurabi during the 18th century BCE. It aimed to bring order and justice to the society by providing a comprehensive legal framework.

To understand the purpose of Hammurabi's Code, you can look into historical records and primary sources related to the Babylonian civilization during that time. Here are a few steps to gain a deeper understanding:

1. Research the historical context: Study the background information of ancient Babylon, its culture, politics, and societal structure during Hammurabi's reign.

2. Explore Hammurabi's Code: Read a translation or analysis of the code itself. The code consists of 282 laws that cover various aspects of life, including family, property, trade, and crime.

3. Analyze its provisions: Examine the laws within the code and their implications. Consider how they were designed to regulate behavior, maintain social order, and ensure justice.

4. Study historical accounts: Read historical accounts, such as inscriptions and records, that describe the impact of the code on Babylonian society. Look for evidence of its enforcement, disputes, and effectiveness.

Through this research, you will be able to understand that the main purpose of Hammurabi's Code was to provide a uniform set of laws that addressed the needs of the society at the time and ensured fair treatment and justice for its citizens.

The main purpose of Hammurabi's Code was to establish a set of laws to govern the Babylonian society during the reign of King Hammurabi (1792 - 1750 BCE). The code aimed to create a sense of justice and fairness in the kingdom by ensuring that everyone was aware of the laws that govern them. It also sought to maintain order and stability by clearly specifying the consequences of certain actions and providing guidelines for how disputes should be settled. Overall, Hammurabi's Code was created to maintain social order and promote a sense of fairness and justice in ancient Babylon.