What major change did people make during the Neolithic agricultural revolution

The Major change that people made during the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled lifestyle centered around agriculture. This transition occurred roughly 10,000 years ago and marked a significant turning point in human history.

To understand this major change, let's break down the process step by step:

1. Domestication of Plants: One crucial aspect was the development of agriculture, which involved the domestication of plants. Early farmers began cultivating crops like wheat, barley, rice, maize, and potatoes. They learned to sow seeds, nurture the crops, and then harvest them for food.

2. Domestication of Animals: Another significant change was the domestication of animals. People started capturing and taming wild animals, including goats, sheep, cows, and pigs. These animals provided a steady supply of meat, milk, and other resources.

3. Sedentary Lifestyle: With the ability to grow crops and raise animals, communities shifted from being nomadic hunter-gatherers to settling down in one place. This allowed people to live in permanent settlements, build homes, and establish stable communities.

4. Surplus Production: By relying on agriculture, people were able to produce a surplus of food. This surplus led to population growth and allowed for the development of specialized roles within the community, such as leaders, craftsmen, and traders.

5. Technological Advancements: The transition to settled agriculture prompted the development of new tools and technologies. People created tools for planting, harvesting, and processing crops, as well as for domesticating and herding animals. These advancements increased efficiency and productivity.

6. Social and Cultural Shifts: The agricultural revolution also brought significant social and cultural changes. The transition to settled communities led to the establishment of permanent social structures, the development of organized religion, and the emergence of complex economic systems.

Overall, the major change during the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution was the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities based on agriculture. This change had profound implications for humanity, leading to the development of civilizations, the growth of population, and the foundation for modern society.