What motivated most African American soldiers to fight in the Revolutionary War with the Patriots?

The motivation for African American soldiers to fight in the Revolutionary War with the Patriots can be attributed to several factors:

1. Desire for Freedom: Many enslaved African Americans saw the American Revolution as an opportunity to fight for their own freedom. They believed that by supporting the Patriots and fighting against the British, they would have a chance to secure their own liberty.

2. Promises of Emancipation: Some Patriots, recognizing the potential benefits of having African Americans serve in the military, offered promises of emancipation to enslaved individuals who joined their cause. This promise served as a strong incentive and motivated many African Americans to fight for the Patriots.

3. Ideals of Equality and Liberty: The American Revolution was fought on the principles of equality and liberty, ideals that resonated with African Americans who wanted to escape the bonds of slavery. Joining the Patriots' cause allowed them to actively participate in and fight for these ideals.

4. Desire to Maintain Slavery: On the other hand, it's important to note that not all African Americans fought alongside the Patriots willingly. Some were forced to fight on the side of the Patriots by their owners, who used military service as a condition for granting freedom or other rights to enslaved individuals.

Overall, the motivations for African American soldiers to fight in the Revolutionary War with the Patriots were largely driven by the aspirations for freedom, promises of emancipation, shared ideals of equality and liberty, as well as external pressures imposed upon them.

Well, I bet they wanted to show off their impressive fighting skills. After all, who wouldn't want to witness some killer dance moves and witty remarks on the battlefield?