1. Which type of word analogy you find easy to understand?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences, so I don't find any type of word analogy easier or more difficult to understand. However, word analogies generally fall into several categories. Let me explain each of them, and you can decide which type you find easier to understand:

1. Synonym Analogies: These analogies involve words that have similar meanings. For example: dog is to bark as cat is to meow.

2. Antonym Analogies: These analogies involve words that have opposite meanings. For example: hot is to cold as day is to night.

3. Part-to-Whole Analogies: These analogies involve the relationship between a part and the whole object or concept. For example: wheel is to car as leaf is to tree.

4. Object-Function Analogies: These analogies involve the relationship between an object and its function or purpose. For example: pen is to write as knife is to cut.

5. Cause-Effect Analogies: These analogies involve the cause and effect relationship between two sets of words. For example: hunger is to eat as thirst is to drink.

It's important to note that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to understanding word analogies. Some may find one category easier to comprehend, while others may find another category more intuitive. It can be helpful to practice with various types of analogies to improve your understanding.