What was the leading theory about how early humans arrived on the American continent?

A. they walked from South Africa when those two continents were part of the same landmass
B. they walked from Asia to North America over a strip of lang that has been covered by the ocean
C. they sailed in large ships from Australia to North America
D. they concede from Antartica to sough American when thee climate became too harsh

I think it's A but idk pls help me
if you could help me for the rest of the questions that would be great <3

The leading theory about how early humans arrived on the American continent is B. They walked from Asia to North America over a strip of land that has been covered by the ocean. This theory is known as the Bering Land Bridge theory, also called the Beringia theory.

To understand why this theory is widely accepted, we need to look at the geographical context. During the last Ice Age, which was around 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, sea levels were significantly lower due to the amount of water locked up in glaciers. As a result, a land bridge known as Beringia connected what is now Siberia (part of Asia) to present-day Alaska (part of North America). This land bridge was exposed and easily accessible for humans and animals to cross.

According to this theory, early humans, also known as Paleo-Indians, crossed the Bering Land Bridge and slowly migrated southward into the American continent. Over time, they eventually dispersed and settled across what is now the United States, Canada, and South America.

It's important to note that while the Bering Land Bridge theory is widely accepted, additional research and archaeological discoveries are continuously shedding light on this topic. However, based on our current understanding, this theory provides the most plausible explanation for the arrival of early humans in the Americas.

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