What is the main reason why Spanish easily conquered the americas was that the Aztecs and incas lacked

The main reason why the Spanish easily conquered the Americas was not solely because the Aztecs and Incas lacked something specific. The conquest involved a combination of factors that contributed to the Spanish victory. These factors include:

1. Technological Superiority: The Spanish had advanced military technology, such as firearms, cannons, and metal armor, which gave them a significant advantage over the Aztecs and Incas, who primarily used stone weapons.

2. Disease: The indigenous populations of the Americas lacked immunity to diseases like smallpox, measles, and influenza brought by the Spanish. These epidemics caused widespread devastation and significantly weakened native societies.

3. Alliances: The Spanish were able to form alliances with various indigenous groups that were enemies of the Aztecs and Incas. These alliances provided the Spanish with additional military support and knowledge of local terrain.

4. Superior Organization and Strategy: The Spanish forces were well-organized and led by experienced military commanders. They devised effective strategies for warfare, including surprise attacks, manipulation of internal conflicts within local societies, and the capture of key leaders.

To understand this further, you can research various historical accounts from both Spanish and indigenous perspectives, analyze primary and secondary sources, and study the historical context of the conquest.