What information would you need to create an absolute chronology of the Texas Revolution?

• key revolutionary figures
• locations of significant events
• relationships to other eras
• specific dates of battles

To create an absolute chronology of the Texas Revolution, you would need several types of information such as key revolutionary figures, locations of significant events, relationships to other eras, and specific dates of battles. Here's how each of these elements contributes to establishing an absolute chronology:

1. Key Revolutionary Figures: Start by identifying the key individuals who played significant roles in the Texas Revolution. This would include figures such as Sam Houston, Stephen F. Austin, William B. Travis, James Bowie, and Santa Anna. Research their dates of birth and death to establish the time period in which they were active.

2. Locations of Significant Events: Identify the important locations where major events of the Texas Revolution took place, such as the Alamo, Goliad, San Jacinto, and Gonzales. Pinpointing the dates of these events, such as the battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto, will help establish a timeline of the revolution.

3. Relationships to Other Eras: Understanding the historical context and how the Texas Revolution relates to other eras is crucial for establishing an absolute chronology. Consider the relationship between the Texas Revolution and events preceding it, such as the Mexican War of Independence (1810-1821), as well as events that followed, like the annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845.

4. Specific Dates of Battles: The dates of significant battles fought during the Texas Revolution are vital for creating an absolute chronology. For instance, knowing that the Battle of the Alamo occurred from February 23 to March 6, 1836, and the Battle of San Jacinto took place on April 21, 1836, helps place these events in chronological order.

By combining these pieces of information and accurately organizing them in chronological order, you can create an absolute chronology of the Texas Revolution.