HelpfulishPerson Ig

1. The White House has been home to many animals as well as presidents
b- proper noun

2. teddy roosevelt, for example, kept a pet snake
a- common noun

3.when abraham lincoln was president, he had a turkey named jack.
c- third person pronoun

4. c interrogative pronoun
5. c linking verb
6. b adjective
7. c Jhon [...]
8. d My, there were a lot of letters on the subject

:) please study and check answers with me

Sure! Let's go through the answers together:

1. The White House has been home to many animals as well as presidents.
Answer: b- proper noun (The White House is a specific place and should be capitalized as it is the name of a building.)

2. Teddy Roosevelt, for example, kept a pet snake.
Answer: a- common noun (pet snake refers to a general type of animal, not a specific one.)

3. When Abraham Lincoln was president, he had a turkey named Jack.
Answer: c- third person pronoun (he is replacing Abraham Lincoln, referring to him in the third person.)

4. C interrogative pronoun (There seems to be a missing information here. Could you provide the options for this question so I can determine the correct answer?)

5. C linking verb (Again, it appears to be a missing information here. Please provide the options for this question.)

6. B adjective (Similarly, there is no context provided for this question. Please provide more information or options.)

7. C John [missing context] (I'm sorry, I'm unable to determine the answer without more context or options. Could you please provide them?)

8. D My, there were a lot of letters on the subject.
Answer: This statement does not seem to correspond to any question. It is a sentence expressing surprise or emphasis.

If you have more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!