I + 1/2 of a square + o + 1/2 of a diamond +middle of the sea + 3/4 of x + o +middle of the sun

To solve this equation, let's break it down into smaller parts and solve them step by step.

1. Start with "I." Since there is no clear indication of the value for "I," we cannot determine its exact numerical value. Thus, "I" remains a variable.

2. Calculate "1/2 of a square." First, we need to know the value of the side length of the square. Without that information, we cannot solve this part of the equation accurately. Therefore, "1/2 of a square" will also remain a variable.

3. Move on to "o." Without additional information or context, it is difficult to determine the numerical value of "o." Thus, it remains a variable.

4. Calculate "1/2 of a diamond." Similar to the square, we need to know specific details about the diamond to calculate its value. As a result, "1/2 of a diamond" remains a variable as well.

5. Consider "middle of the sea." Since it is unspecified, we cannot assign a numerical value to it either. We will keep it as a variable.

6. Calculate "3/4 of x." The value of "x" is unclear in the given equation, so we cannot determine the exact value of "3/4 of x." Thus, it remains a variable.

7. Move on to another "o." Since there is no additional information, we treat it as a variable.

8. Consider "middle of the sun." Without more specific details, we cannot determine a numerical value for this part either. It will also remain a variable.

Putting it all together, the equation remains:

I + 1/2 of a square + o + 1/2 of a diamond + middle of the sea + 3/4 of x + o + middle of the sun

In this case, there is no specific answer to the equation given, as the values of the variables are not defined.