Win bo is a basketball player.His vertical leap is 0.75.what is his take off speed

To calculate Win Bo's takeoff speed, we need to use the equation for vertical leap:

Vertical Jump = (Initial Velocity * Time in Air) + (0.5 * Acceleration * (Time in Air)^2)

Given that Win Bo's vertical leap is 0.75 meters, we can assume that he reaches the highest point of his jump at maximum height and his final velocity is 0 m/s at the top.

Therefore, to find Win Bo's takeoff speed, we need to determine the initial velocity.

Since his final velocity is 0 m/s, and we know he experiences acceleration due to gravity of approximately 9.8 m/s^2, we can substitute these values into the equation:

0 = (Initial Velocity * Time in Air) + (0.5 * -9.8 * (Time in Air)^2)

Now, we can solve for the initial velocity. Since we don't have the value for the time in the air, we need more information to calculate the takeoff speed precisely.