Examine the impact of risky behaviour on the different sphere (social, emotional, physical, and spiritual) of well-being by conducting interviews with at least four young people

To examine the impact of risky behavior on different spheres of well-being, you can conduct interviews with young people. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you carry out this research:

Step 1: Define the research objectives
Clearly determine what specific aspects of well-being you would like to focus on within the social, emotional, physical, and spiritual spheres. For example, you may want to explore the impact of risky behavior on social relationships, emotional stability, physical health, and spiritual beliefs.

Step 2: Identify interviewees
Select a diverse group of at least four young people who engage in risky behaviors. Ensure that they represent different backgrounds, experiences, and levels of risk-taking. This will provide a broad perspective on the impact of risky behavior.

Step 3: Develop interview questions
Create a set of open-ended questions that address each sphere of well-being you plan to examine. For social well-being, you might ask about changes in friendships or conflicts with peers. For emotional well-being, consider questions about stress levels or self-esteem. Physical well-being questions could focus on health issues or injuries, while spiritual well-being questions might explore changes in beliefs or values.

Step 4: Conduct the interviews
Arrange one-on-one interviews with each participant, ensuring a comfortable and confidential environment. Explain the purpose of the study, assure anonymity, and obtain their informed consent. Ask the prepared questions but also allow for follow-up questions to delve deeper into their responses. Encourage the participants to share personal experiences and feelings.

Step 5: Record and analyze the data
Document the responses during the interviews. Consider audio or video recording (with consent) to capture more accurate details. Once the interviews are complete, transcribe and organize the data. Look for patterns, recurring themes, and connections between risky behavior and each sphere of well-being.

Step 6: Analyze and interpret the results
Review the collected data and analyze it based on the research objectives. Categorize the impacts on each sphere of well-being and identify any commonalities or differences among the participants. Use qualitative analysis techniques such as thematic coding to identify key themes.

Step 7: Draw conclusions and report findings
Based on the analysis, draw conclusions about the impact of risky behavior on social, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Summarize the findings and interpret the implications. Ensure that the conclusions are supported by accurate and consistent data from the interviews.

Remember, while interviews provide valuable insights, they represent the experiences of a limited number of participants. Therefore, the findings should be considered within the context of this study and may not be applicable to the entire population.