9) Most European explorers were influenced by the ideas of the Renaissance. List two adjectives that describe these men as a result of the impact of this movement.

To answer this question, we need to understand the impact of the Renaissance on European explorers. The Renaissance was a cultural and intellectual movement that took place in Europe from the 14th to the 17th century. It was characterized by a renewed interest in the arts, literature, sciences, and exploration.

To find adjectives that describe European explorers as a result of the impact of the Renaissance, we can analyze the qualities and characteristics that were prominent during this period.

1. Curious: One adjective that describes European explorers influenced by the Renaissance is "curious." During the Renaissance, there was a spirit of exploration and a thirst for knowledge. Advances in science and navigation techniques fueled explorers' desire to venture into uncharted territories and discover new lands, resources, and trade routes. This curiosity led to the Age of Exploration, where many European explorers embarked on voyages of discovery.

2. Innovative: Another adjective that applies to these explorers is "innovative." The Renaissance brought about a multitude of new ideas, inventions, and technological advancements. These innovations extended to the field of exploration as well. Explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan employed new navigation instruments, such as astrolabes and improved maps, which played a pivotal role in their successful journeys. European explorers during this time were keen on employing innovative methods and technologies to overcome the challenges of their expeditions.

In summary, two adjectives that describe European explorers influenced by the ideas of the Renaissance are "curious" and "innovative." These men were driven by their curiosity to explore new lands and their innovative spirit to adopt new technologies and techniques during their expeditions.