Refer to line 1

Identify who' they 'are that the speaker refers to

To identify who the pronoun "they" refers to in a particular line, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the surrounding context: Look at the lines before and after the line in question to understand the speaker's subject or topic.

2. Analyze the antecedents: An antecedent is the noun or noun phrase that is being referred to by a pronoun. Identify any potential antecedents that "they" could be referring to based on the context.

3. Look for clarity clues: Pay attention to any additional words or phrases within the line that might provide clues about the referent of "they". This could include proper nouns, definite articles (e.g., "the"), demonstrative pronouns (e.g., "those"), or context-specific keywords.

By carefully examining the context, antecedents, and any other clues offered by the line and its surroundings, you will be able to determine who the speaker is referring to with the pronoun "they."