Which statement is true?(1 point)

As evidence changes, scientific theories can also change.

Scientific theories describe natural phenomena, whereas scientific laws explain natural phenomena.

If a single study or inference is wrong, a scientific theory can be invalidated.

Scientific theories only involve finding evidence to explain phenomena.

The statement that is true is: As evidence changes, scientific theories can also change.

To understand this, it is important to first distinguish between scientific theories and scientific laws. Scientific theories are comprehensive explanations of natural phenomena that are based on a substantial amount of evidence. They provide a framework to understand and predict phenomena. On the other hand, scientific laws are concise statements that describe patterns or relationships in nature, typically in mathematical terms.

Now, when it comes to scientific theories, they are subject to change if new evidence emerges. This is because science is a dynamic and evolving field that constantly seeks to refine our understanding of the natural world. As new evidence is discovered through observations, experiments, or technological advancements, it may challenge or revise existing theories. Scientists critically evaluate the evidence and adjust their theories accordingly to better explain the observed phenomena. Therefore, the first statement, "As evidence changes, scientific theories can also change," is true.

The other statements are not true. Scientific laws do not explain natural phenomena; they only describe observed patterns or relationships. Additionally, a single study or inference being wrong does not necessarily invalidate a scientific theory. Scientific theories are typically built upon a wide range of evidence and are not easily overturned by a single study. Finally, scientific theories are not limited to finding evidence to explain phenomena; they encompass much broader frameworks that incorporate evidence, explanations, and predictions.