Tiya earns $7 an hour mowing her neighbor's lawn. Part A: Create two variables and determine which is dependent and which is independent for this situation. Part B: List three ordered pairs to show the values of the two variables. Part C: Write an equation to represent the relationship between the two variables.

Part A: In this situation, the number of hours Tiya mows the lawn and the amount of money she earns are the two variables.

The number of hours Tiya mows the lawn is the independent variable since it is the one she can control and change. The amount of money she earns is the dependent variable because it depends on the number of hours she mows the lawn.

Part B: To list three ordered pairs showing the values of the two variables, we can consider different scenarios. Let's assume the number of hours Tiya mows the lawn for each scenario:

Scenario 1:
Number of hours (independent variable) = 2
Amount of money earned (dependent variable) = $7/hour x 2 hours = $14

Ordered Pair: (2, $14)

Scenario 2:
Number of hours (independent variable) = 3
Amount of money earned (dependent variable) = $7/hour x 3 hours = $21

Ordered Pair: (3, $21)

Scenario 3:
Number of hours (independent variable) = 4
Amount of money earned (dependent variable) = $7/hour x 4 hours = $28

Ordered Pair: (4, $28)

Part C: To write an equation representing the relationship between the two variables, we can use the form:
Amount of money earned = hourly rate x number of hours

In this case, the equation would be:
Amount of money earned = $7/hour x number of hours

So, the equation representing the relationship between the number of hours Tiya mows the lawn and the amount of money she earns is:
Amount of money earned = $7 x number of hours