Two contemporary issues in community

Two contemporary issues in community can vary depending on the context, but two common examples are:

1. Income Inequality: This issue refers to the unequal distribution of wealth and income within a community. To understand and address income inequality, you can start by gathering data and statistics on income disparities in your community. Look for official government reports, research studies, or local organizations working on this issue. Analyze the data to identify the causes and consequences of income inequality. Common factors include disparities in education, employment opportunities, and social mobility. Engage with community members, talk to local activists or experts on the issue, and join or support initiatives aimed at reducing income inequality, such as advocating for fair taxation policies, promoting equal access to quality education, and supporting job creation programs.

2. Environmental Sustainability: This issue relates to the preservation and protection of the environment in order to ensure the long-term well-being of a community. To address this issue, research and understand the key environmental challenges facing your community, such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, or water scarcity. Look for local environmental organizations, government agencies, or research institutions that specialize in these areas. Connect with these groups and inquire about ongoing projects or initiatives related to environmental sustainability. Educate yourself on sustainable practices such as recycling, reducing energy consumption, conserving water, and supporting eco-friendly programs. Join community workshops, volunteer for local environmental clean-ups, or educate others about the importance of sustainable living.

Remember, the specific contemporary issues in a community can vary, so it's essential to research and evaluate your local context to identify the most relevant issues and take appropriate actions.