Matter conservations Matters Quick Check:

1.Which change is chemical
ANSWER: Water undergoing eletrosis…

2.which number remains unchanged during photosynthesis
ANSWER: the number of carbon atoms

3.In a chemical change reaction which aspect of the reactants changes?
ANSWER: arrangement of the

4.A young snake eats a digests a mouse…
ANSWER: The mass of the mouse minus the mass of waste produced by the snake.

5:Cellular respiration transforms glucose and oxygen…

To answer these questions, you can use your knowledge of matter conservation and the specific processes mentioned in each question. Let me explain how to arrive at the correct answers for each question:

1. Which change is chemical?
To determine the type of change, you can think about whether there is a chemical reaction taking place. In this case, water undergoing electrolysis involves the breaking of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gases through a chemical reaction. Therefore, the answer is "Water undergoing electrolysis."

2. Which number remains unchanged during photosynthesis?
During photosynthesis, plants convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. In this process, the number of carbon atoms remains the same, despite the rearrangement of the atoms. So, the answer is "the number of carbon atoms."

3. In a chemical change reaction, which aspect of the reactants changes?
In a chemical change reaction, the arrangement of atoms in the reactants changes, leading to the formation of new substances. So, the answer is "arrangement of the atoms."

4. A young snake eats and digests a mouse. What is the answer to this question?
To determine the answer, think about the conservation of mass. Matter is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction. When the snake eats and digests a mouse, the mass of the mouse is converted into the mass of the snake's body and waste produced. So, the answer is "the mass of the mouse minus the mass of waste produced by the snake."

5. Cellular respiration transforms glucose and oxygen. What is the answer?
Cellular respiration is the process where cells convert glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. The number of glucose molecules remains the same throughout the process. Therefore, the answer is "6" based on the information given in the question.